Is Pokémon GO a Dangerous Game?


Conspiracy Technology

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Pokémon GO is a popular mobile game that allows players to catch, battle, and trade virtual creatures called Pokémon in the real world using their smartphones and location-based features. The game has been praised for its innovative use of augmented reality and its potential to promote physical activity and social interaction. However, some critics have also raised concerns about the possible dangers and risks associated with Pokémon GO, ranging from personal safety to privacy to national security. In this article, we will explore some of these issues and examine whether Pokémon GO is a dangerous game or not.

Personal Safety Risks

distracted walking or driving

One of the most obvious dangers of playing Pokémon GO is the risk of injury or accident due to distracted walking or driving. The game requires players to look at their screens and follow the map to find and catch Pokémon, which can divert their attention from their surroundings and cause them to trip, fall, bump into obstacles, or cross streets without looking. There have been numerous reports of players getting injured, such as breaking bones, spraining ankles, or getting cuts and bruises, while playing the game12. Some players have also been involved in car accidents, either as drivers or pedestrians, because they were playing the game while driving or crossing the road34.

Another personal safety risk of playing Pokémon GO is the possibility of encountering dangerous people or situations while hunting for Pokémon. The game uses real-world locations as PokéStops and Gyms, where players can collect items or battle other players, but some of these locations may be in unsafe or secluded areas, such as dark alleys, private properties, or abandoned buildings. Some criminals have also exploited the game to lure unsuspecting players into traps and rob them at gunpoint or knife-point56. Moreover, some players have stumbled upon disturbing or illegal scenes, such as dead bodies, drug deals, or crimes in progress, while playing the game78.

To avoid these personal safety risks, players should always be aware of their surroundings and use common sense when playing Pokémon GO. They should not play the game while driving or walking in busy or dangerous areas, and they should not trespass on private or restricted properties. They should also avoid playing the game alone or at night, and they should be cautious of strangers or suspicious activities. They should also respect the rights and privacy of others, and not cause any disturbance or nuisance to the public.

Privacy and Data Risks

Another potential danger of playing Pokémon GO is the risk of compromising one’s privacy and personal data. The game requires players to create an account and grant access to their Google, Facebook, or Pokémon Trainer Club credentials, as well as their location, camera, and storage permissions. This means that the game developer, Niantic, and its partners, such as Nintendo and The Pokémon Company, can collect, store, and use a lot of information about the players, such as their names, email addresses, birthdates, locations, movements, photos, and game activities. While Niantic claims that it only uses this information for the purpose of providing and improving the game, and that it does not share it with third parties without consent, some players may still be concerned about how their data is handled and protected, especially in the case of a data breach or a legal request.

Some conspiracy theorists have also suggested that Pokémon GO may be a tool for mass surveillance and manipulation, potentially designed to acclimate humanity to virtual environments and to record and analyze their behavior for societal control. They point out that Niantic was originally a startup within Google, and that it has ties to the CIA and the NSA, as well as to other corporations and organizations that are involved in data mining, artificial intelligence, and social engineering. They also claim that the game’s use of microchips and location data could enable the tracking and monitoring of millions of players, and that the game’s content and features could influence their emotions, opinions, and actions.

While these claims may sound far-fetched and paranoid, they do raise some valid questions about the implications and consequences of playing Pokémon GO and other similar games that use augmented reality and location-based features. Players should be aware of the privacy and data policies and practices of the game developer and its partners, and they should review and adjust their settings and permissions accordingly. They should also be mindful of what information they share and how they interact with the game and other players, and they should not blindly trust or follow everything that the game tells them to do.

National Security Risks

National Security Risks

A final possible danger of playing Pokémon GO is the risk of posing a threat to national security. The game uses real-world locations as PokéStops and Gyms, but some of these locations may be near or within sensitive or restricted areas, such as military bases, government buildings, or diplomatic missions. Some players may try to access these areas to play the game, which could cause security breaches, trespassing incidents, or espionage suspicions . Some players may also inadvertently capture or reveal classified or confidential information, such as the layout, personnel, or activities of these areas, while playing the game or taking photos or videos of their surroundings .

To prevent these national security risks, players should respect the rules and regulations of the areas that they visit, and they should not enter or approach any prohibited or dangerous zones. They should also be careful of what they capture or share while playing the game, and they should not disclose any sensitive or personal information. Furthermore, they should cooperate with the authorities and security personnel if they are questioned or confronted, and they should explain that they are only playing a game and not engaging in any malicious or illegal activities.


Pokémon GO is a fun and innovative game that can offer many benefits to its players, such as physical exercise, social interaction, and cultural exploration. However, it can also pose some dangers and risks, such as personal injury, privacy invasion, and national security threat. Therefore, players should be aware of these issues and take precautions to protect themselves and others while playing the game. They should also remember that the game is not a substitute for reality, and that they should balance their game time with other aspects of their lives. By doing so, they can enjoy Pokémon GO safely and responsibly.

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