YouTube outage sparks wild theories


Incident Technology

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YouTube, the world’s largest video-sharing platform, suffered a major outage on October 17, 2018, affecting millions of users across the globe. The service was down for about an hour, during which users could not access videos, live streams, or other features. YouTube later apologized for the inconvenience and said the issue was caused by a network error.

However, some internet users were quick to speculate about the possible reasons behind the outage, ranging from conspiracy theories to cyberattacks. Here are some of the most bizarre and unfounded claims that circulated online during and after the YouTube blackout.

A mysterious video warning of an imminent event

Some users claimed that they saw a video uploaded by an unknown military figure shortly before the outage, warning of an impending event that would change the world. The video allegedly showed a countdown timer and a cryptic message saying “Prepare yourselves”. The video was said to have been deleted by YouTube within minutes, but not before some users managed to download it and share it on other platforms.

However, there is no evidence that such a video ever existed on YouTube, or that it had anything to do with the outage. The video could have been easily faked using editing software, or it could have been a prank or a hoax. No credible source has confirmed the authenticity or the origin of the video, and no official statement has been made by any military or government agency regarding its content.

A massive impact on the moon

Another theory that gained traction online was that the YouTube outage was caused by a huge meteorite hitting the moon, creating a powerful explosion that was visible from Earth. Some users claimed that they witnessed the impact with their own eyes, or that they saw a video of it on YouTube before it went down. Some even suggested that the impact could have affected the Earth’s gravity, tides, or climate.

However, this theory is also baseless and contradicted by scientific facts. While meteorites do occasionally hit the moon, they are usually too small to cause any noticeable effects. The last recorded impact that created a visible flash on the moon was in February 2023, when a Japanese astronomer captured it on video. The impact was estimated to have created a crater of about 12 meters (39 feet) in diameter, which is far from being massive or catastrophic. Moreover, even if a large meteorite did hit the moon, it would not affect the Earth’s stability in any significant way, as the moon is too far away and too small compared to the Earth.

A cyberattack or a censorship attempt

Some users also speculated that the YouTube outage was the result of a cyberattack by hackers or hostile actors, who wanted to disrupt the service or steal user data. Some even accused YouTube of deliberately shutting down its servers to censor certain content or users that it did not agree with.

However, there is no indication that YouTube was hacked or attacked by anyone during the outage. YouTube itself confirmed that the issue was due to a network error, which could have been caused by various factors such as hardware failure, software bug, human error, or external interference. YouTube also denied any allegations of censorship or bias, and said that it respects its users’ freedom of expression and diversity of opinions.

The need for critical thinking

The YouTube outage of 2018 was an unfortunate incident that inconvenienced many users and disrupted their normal activities. However, it also revealed how easily misinformation and rumors can spread online, especially in times of uncertainty and confusion. Many users were quick to believe and share unverified claims without checking their sources or their plausibility. This can lead to unnecessary panic, fear, or anger among the public, and can also undermine the credibility and trustworthiness of online platforms.

Therefore, it is important for internet users to exercise critical thinking and media literacy when consuming and producing online content. Users should always verify the information they encounter online before accepting or sharing it with others. They should also be aware of their own biases and emotions, and avoid jumping to conclusions or making hasty judgments based on incomplete or inaccurate data. By doing so, users can help prevent the spread of false or misleading information, and contribute to a more informed and rational online community.

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