The American Version of a Scary Story that Really Happened



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Have you ever had a nightmare that felt so real that you couldn’t tell if you were awake or asleep? That’s what happened to Adam Ellis, an illustrator who got involved in a disturbing incident in the US. He started having dreams of a half-headed boy who called himself “Dear David” and claimed to be dead. But the dreams soon turned into a terrifying reality, as Adam experienced strange events that involved his phone, his cat, and his apartment. This is the story of how Adam documented his encounter with Dear David, a mysterious boy who appeared in his dreams and asked him two questions, but warned him that the third question would have fatal consequences.

How It All Began

It all began in August 2017, when Adam tweeted that he had a dream of a child sitting in a green rocking chair at the foot of his bed. He said the child had a huge misshapen head that was dented on one side. He felt paralyzed and could only move his eyes. The child looked at him and said, “I’m Dear David. You can ask me two questions, but don’t ask me a third one or I’ll kill you.” Adam was scared, but he decided to ask him some questions. He asked, “Dear David, how did you die?” The child said, “An accident in a store.” He asked, “Dear David, what happened in the store?” The child said, “A shelf was pushed on my head.” Adam was about to ask who pushed the shelf, but then he realized that he was asking a third question. He woke up in a panic, feeling relieved that it was just a dream.

But the next night, he had another dream of Dear David. He was in a different room, but the child was still sitting in the rocking chair. He said, “You can ask me two questions, but don’t ask me a third one or I’ll kill you.” Adam thought that maybe he could trick him by asking a different question. He asked, “Who pushed the shelf?” Dear David didn’t answer. He just stared at him with a twisted smile. Adam felt a surge of fear and woke up.

He decided to do some research on the internet, but he couldn’t find anything about a boy named David who died in a store. He thought that maybe it was just a coincidence, and that his dreams were influenced by some horror movie he watched. He tried to forget about it, but he couldn’t shake off the feeling that something was wrong.

The Strange Events

A few weeks later, Adam noticed that his cat started acting weird. Every night at midnight, his cat would go to the door of his apartment and stare at it, as if waiting for something. He would meow and scratch at the door, but there was nothing outside. Adam thought that maybe his cat was just bored, or that there was some animal in the hallway. He tried to ignore it, but it kept happening every night.

One night, he decided to look through the peephole of his door, but he saw nothing. He opened the door, but there was no one there. He took a photo of the hallway, but it was empty. He went back to his apartment, but his cat was still staring at the door. He took another photo of the hallway, but this time, he saw something that made his blood run cold. There was a small figure standing at the end of the hall, looking at him. It looked like a child, but it had a deformed head. It was Dear David.

Adam slammed the door and locked it. He was terrified, and he didn’t know what to do. He tweeted about his experience, and posted the photos he took. He asked his followers for advice, and some of them suggested that he should move out of his apartment, or that he should contact a priest or a psychic. Some of them thought that he was making it up, or that he was hallucinating. But Adam was convinced that it was real, and that he was in danger.

He decided to buy a security camera and install it in his apartment, hoping to catch some evidence of Dear David’s presence. He also bought a digital recorder and placed it near his bed, hoping to record some sounds of Dear David’s voice. He hoped that by doing this, he could find a way to get rid of him, or at least to understand why he was haunting him.

But what he found was more disturbing than he expected. The security camera captured some footage of his cat acting strangely, as if playing with something invisible. It also captured some footage of his rocking chair moving by itself, and of a small object falling from the ceiling. The digital recorder captured some sounds of footsteps, whispers, and groans. But the most chilling thing was that it also captured some sounds of Dear David’s voice, saying, “I’m here. I’m here. I’m here.”

Adam was terrified, and he felt that he had to do something. He decided to confront Dear David, and to ask him what he wanted. He waited for him to appear in his dreams, and when he did, he asked him, “Dear David, what do you want from me?” Dear David looked at him and said, “I want you to come with me.” Adam asked, “Where?” Dear David said, “To the other side.” Adam asked, “Why?” Dear David said, “Because you asked me a third question.” He then lunged at him, and Adam woke up screaming.

He realized that he had made a terrible mistake, and that he had sealed his fate. He knew that Dear David was going to kill him, and that he had no escape. He decided to share his story with the world, hoping that someone would help him, or at least remember him. He posted his tweets, his photos, his videos, and his recordings online, and asked his followers to spread the word. He said that he didn’t know how much time he had left, and that he was sorry for everything. He said that he hoped that his story would serve as a warning, and that no one would ever make the same mistake as he did. He said that he hoped that someone would find a way to stop Dear David, and that he hoped that he would find peace.

He then said goodbye, and turned off his phone. He lay down on his bed, and waited for Dear David to come for him. He closed his eyes, and hoped that it would be quick. He heard a knock on his door, and then a voice. It was Dear David. He said, “I’m here. I’m here. I’m here.”

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