The Anywhere Door (Dokodemo Door): A Dream or a Nightmare?


Curious Japanese Technology

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The Anywhere Door is one of the most iconic gadgets from the popular manga and anime series Doraemon. It is a pink door that can transport anyone to any location they desire, simply by thinking of it while opening the door. It sounds like a dream come true, but is it really? What are the benefits and drawbacks of having such a device in real life? In this article, we will explore the concept of the Anywhere Door and its implications for society, culture, and identity.

How Does the Anywhere Door Work?

The Anywhere Door is a product of advanced technology from the 22nd century, where Doraemon, a robotic cat from the future, comes from. According to the series, the door has a consciousness-reading sensor that can detect the user’s desired destination and create a portal to it. The portal can be anywhere within a 10-light-year radius from the Earth, which covers most of the Milky Way galaxy. However, the door cannot access other dimensions or parallel worlds, nor can it travel through time. The door also has a lock function that prevents unauthorized use or intrusion.

What Are the Benefits of the Anywhere Door?

The Anywhere Door has many potential benefits for humanity, such as:

Reducing commute times and transportation costs: Imagine being able to go to work, school, or anywhere else in an instant, without having to worry about traffic, public transportation, or parking. You could save time, money, and energy, and have more flexibility in your schedule.

Eliminating traffic congestion and pollution: If everyone had an Anywhere Door, there would be no need for cars, buses, trains, planes, or any other vehicles that cause traffic jams and emit harmful gases. The environment would be cleaner and healthier, and people would be less stressed and frustrated.

Equalizing land prices and opportunities: With an Anywhere Door, you could live anywhere you want, regardless of the cost or availability of land. You could choose a place that suits your preferences, needs, and budget, without being limited by geography or economy. You could also access any resources, services, or facilities that you need, regardless of their location.

What Are the Drawbacks of the Anywhere Door?

The Anywhere Door may seem like a perfect solution for many problems, but it also has some serious drawbacks, such as:

Flattening the world’s differences and diversity: If everyone could go anywhere they want with an Anywhere Door, there would be less incentive to explore, learn, and appreciate the different cultures, languages, histories, and traditions of the world. The world would become more homogeneous and boring, and people would lose their sense of identity and belonging.

Risking accidental transportation and danger: If you are not careful with your thoughts while using an Anywhere Door, you could end up somewhere you don’t want to go or somewhere that is unsafe or hostile. For example, you could accidentally transport yourself to outer space without proper equipment or protection. You could also encounter criminals, terrorists, or enemies who could harm you or use your door for malicious purposes.

Questioning one’s identity and existence: One of the most disturbing aspects of the Anywhere Door is that it creates a copy of the user at the destination while leaving the original behind at the departure point. The copy then returns to the original when closing the door. This raises some philosophical questions about who is the real you and what happens to your consciousness and soul when you use the door. Are you still yourself when you are copied? Do you have free will or are you controlled by the door? What if something goes wrong and your copy does not return?


The Anywhere Door is a fascinating gadget that has captured the imagination of many fans of Doraemon. It offers many possibilities and advantages for traveling and living in the world. However, it also poses many challenges and risks for society, culture, and identity. The Anywhere Door may be a dream or a nightmare depending on how we use it and what we value.

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