Were pyramids energy devices? Exploring the mystery of ancient civilizations


Ancient Place

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 When you hear the word pyramid, you may think of the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt. But in fact, there are pyramids all over the world, and their origin and purpose are still shrouded in mystery. Some researchers and enthusiasts claim that pyramids functioned as energy devices. In this article, we will introduce the urban legend that pyramids were energy devices, and the evidence and counterarguments for it.

The evidence for the theory that pyramids were energy devices

 Those who support the theory that pyramids were energy devices cite the following evidence:

・The construction technology of pyramids was impossible for humans at that time 

・The interior of pyramids used rocks that could conduct electricity 

・The interior of pyramids had a phenomenon where fresh food did not rot 

・Pyramids were structured to collect energy from the earth’s electromagnetic field and space

Let’s take a closer look at each one.

・The construction technology of pyramids was impossible for humans at that time

Pyramids are said to have been built around 2800 BC, but their precise shape and dimensions are considered difficult with the technology at that time. For example, the Great Pyramid of Giza has a base length of over 230 meters and a height of 146 meters. The building materials used for this huge structure are about 2.5 million stones, weighing from 2 to 80 tons each. It would take a lot of labor and time to cut, transport, and assemble these stones. Moreover, the pyramids were built with very accurate orientation, with the north face pointing to true north with an error of only 0.05 degrees. This is considered impossible with the surveying technology at that time. Furthermore, the interior spaces of the pyramids, such as the King’s Chamber and the Queen’s Chamber, used granite sarcophagi and wall surfaces that were made with precision as if they were cut by modern machines. From these facts, it is speculated that the pyramid builders had advanced scientific technology and energy sources.


・The interior of pyramids used rocks that could conduct electricity

Some researchers believe that special rocks were used inside the pyramids, which could conduct electricity. For example, granite, which is used in the King’s Chamber and the Queen’s Chamber, contains minerals such as quartz and mica, which generate electricity when pressure is applied. This is called the piezoelectric effect. Also, limestone, which is used for the outer walls of pyramids, has a property of conducting electricity when it contains moisture. Moreover, there is a theory that there is a water source under the pyramids. From these facts, it is speculated that pyramids could generate or absorb electricity inside or outside.

・The interior of pyramids had a phenomenon where fresh food did not rot

There are also reports of a peculiar phenomenon inside the pyramids, where fresh food does not rot and is preserved. For example, Antoine Gizot, a French writer who visited Egypt in 1837, wrote that he ate fresh fruits and meat that he found inside the pyramid. Also, Anatoly Oklopopovsky, a Russian scientist who conducted experiments inside the pyramid in the 1970s, claimed that he confirmed that food items such as milk and eggs did not spoil. From these facts, it is speculated that there is some kind of energy inside the pyramid that keeps food fresh.

・Pyramids were structured to collect energy from the earth’s electromagnetic field and space

There is also a theory that pyramids were structured to collect energy from the earth’s electromagnetic field and space. For example, pyramids are built on specific points on earth, and those points are said to be where the earth’s energy comes out strongest. Also, pyramids have a pyramid-shaped structure, which has an effect of reflecting waves such as radio waves and sound waves easily. Moreover, pyramids are aligned with celestial bodies such as Polaris and Orion’s Belt, and their alignment is said to be for receiving energy from space. From these facts, it is speculated that pyramids were devices to collect and use energy from earth or space.

The counterarguments for the theory that pyramids were energy devices

 On the other hand, there are also counterarguments for the theory that pyramids were energy devices.

・The construction technology of pyramids was possible for humans at that time

This counterargument is that the construction technology of pyramids was possible for humans at that time. For example, it is thought that simple methods such as wooden tools, ropes, waterways, and sleds were used to cut and transport stones. Also, it is thought that astronomical observations and simple measuring instruments were used to determine the orientation and dimensions of pyramids. Moreover, it is thought that copper saws and drills, sand, and water were used to process granite inside the pyramids. From these facts, there is no evidence that the pyramid builders had advanced scientific technology and energy sources, but rather their effort, wisdom, and faith created the pyramids.

The evaluation of the theory that pyramids were energy devices

 As you can see, there are various evidence and counterarguments for the theory that pyramids were energy devices. However, none of these evidence or counterarguments are based on certain proof, but only on speculation or hypothesis. Currently, the most plausible theory is that pyramids were tombs for Egyptian kings and had religious significance. But there are still many mysteries that have not been solved. The theory that pyramids were energy devices is said to be weak in terms of science, but it cannot deny its interestingness that stimulates imagination. What do you think?

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