Surprising Types and Causes of Phobias: From Fear of Left Side to Fear of Eggs



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 When you hear the word “phobia”, you may think of common fears such as heights, darkness, spiders, or snakes. However, there are many types of phobias, and some people have a strong fear of things that are normal in everyday life. In this article, we will introduce some surprising types and causes of phobias.


What is a phobia?

 A phobia is a mental disorder that causes excessive fear and anxiety toward a specific object or situation. Medically, it is called “specific phobia” and is classified as a type of “anxiety disorder” .

People with phobias experience physical reactions such as panic attacks, palpitations, sweating, or nausea when they face their feared object or situation. They also tend to avoid it, which can interfere with their daily and social life.

The cause of phobia is not clear yet, but it is thought that “genetic factors” and “environmental factors” are involved. “Genetic factors” mean that people are more likely to develop the same phobia if their parents or relatives have it. “Environmental factors” mean that people are more likely to develop a phobia if they have had a painful experience or trauma in the past .

Surprising types of phobias

There are many types of phobias, and some say that there are hundreds of them . Here are some of the most surprising ones.

Fear of left side (Sinistrophobia)

Fear of left side is a phobia of things on the left side or turning to the left. People with this phobia cannot turn left or touch things with their left hand. They also have difficulty seeing with their left eye or hearing with their left ear.

The cause of this phobia is often a past experience of danger or harm from the left side. For example, being hit by a car from the left side or being abused with the left hand .

Fear of eggs (Ovophobia)

Fear of eggs is a phobia of eggs or chicks. People with this phobia cannot eat or touch eggs. They also have a strong aversion to the appearance or sound of chicks.

The cause of this phobia is often a trauma related to chickens. For example, being bitten by a chicken or being shown the dissection of a chicken when they were young.

Fear of beard (Pogonophobia)

Fear of beard is a phobia of beards. People with this phobia have a strong discomfort or fear toward people with beards or their own beard. They also cannot shave or touch their beard.

The cause of this phobia may be a past experience of harm or violence from someone with a beard, or a social image that beards are unhygienic or untrustworthy.

Treatment for phobias

Phobias can worsen if left untreated. Therefore, it is important to consult a specialist as soon as possible. The main treatments for phobias are “medication” and “psychotherapy”.

“Medication” means taking drugs such as anti-anxiety drugs or antidepressants to ease the symptoms of fear and anxiety. “Psychotherapy” means using psychological approaches such as counseling or cognitive behavioral therapy to change the cause and thought pattern of fear.

Among psychotherapies, the method called “exposure therapy” is effective. “Exposure therapy” means gradually getting used to the feared object or situation and reducing the fear .

 We have introduced some surprising types and causes of phobias. Phobias can affect anyone, but they can be overcome with proper treatment. If you or someone close to you feel signs of phobia, consult a doctor as soon as possible.

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