The Lost Ancient Civilization Continent that Sank into the Sea [Urban Legend]


Ancient Mystery Place

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There is a theory that there was once a lost ancient civilization continent called Mu that sank into the sea in the Pacific Ocean. This Mu continent is said to have been submerged by a cataclysm about 12,000 years ago. Mu continent is believed to have used electricity and been inhabited by intelligent beings. The size of the continent is said to be about 8,000 kilometers from east to west and about 5,000 kilometers from north to south. The existence of Mu continent is questioned and criticized, but it is a popular topic in the occult world. In this article, we will unravel five mysteries surrounding Mu continent, such as its origin and characteristics, its relationship with Atlantis and Japan, and its academic denial by seabed exploration.

The Origin of Mu Continent

The word Mu continent first appeared in a paper published in 1863 by Charles Brasseur de Bourbourg, a French clergyman. He deciphered an ancient Maya document called the Troano Codex using a table that contrasted Maya characters with Spanish alphabets. It depicted a legend of a kingdom called Mun that sank due to a great disaster, and claimed that it had similarities with the Atlantis legend. This Mun later came to be called Mu.

However, this decipherment was later proven to be completely wrong. Maya characters are a complex system of ideograms and syllables, and Brasseur’s method could not read them correctly. Also, the Troano Codex was actually a document that recorded the Maya calendar and rituals, and there was no story of a sunken kingdom.

King Ra-Mu

The person who most ardently claimed the existence of Mu continent was a writer named James Churchward. He wrote a series of books such as “The Lost Continent of Mu” in which he described in detail the environment and culture of Mu continent. According to him, Mu continent existed on the Pacific Ocean until about 12,000 years ago, and the islands scattered on the South Pacific Ocean such as Hawaii and Easter Island were connected by land.

Mu continent boasted an unparalleled glorious civilization, and in the palace in the capital Hilanipla, Emperor Ra-Mu, the incarnation of the sun god, reigned. He ruled over everything from politics and administration to religion, and had advanced knowledge and culture, architecture, and navigation skills that could dominate all civilizations. It was a prosperous super-ancient civilization where white people were rulers.

However, he angered God, and about 12,000 years ago a huge earthquake occurred and volcanoes erupted all over the continent, and then a huge tsunami hit, and Mu continent sank into the sea overnight.

Mu Continent and Atlantis Continent

Both Mu continent and Atlantis continent are known as legendary continents that sank into the sea, but what kind of relationship do they have? Atlantis continent is a continent that was said to exist in the Atlantic Ocean by Plato, an ancient Greek philosopher, in his works “Timaeus” and “Critias”. According to Plato, Atlantis continent clashed with Athens in a war about 9,600 years ago, but then sank due to earthquakes and tsunamis.

There are various theories about the relationship between Mu continent and Atlantis continent. One is that Mu continent and Atlantis continent are the same thing, and Plato named it Atlantis after hearing the story of Mu continent. Another is that Mu continent and Atlantis continent are separate things, and Mu continent was an eastern civilization in the Pacific Ocean, while Atlantis continent was a western civilization in the Atlantic Ocean, and they interacted or fought with each other. Another theory is that Mu continent and Atlantis continent are one of the four super-ancient civilizations that existed on Earth along with Lemuria continent and Hyperborea continent.

Mu Continent and Japan

There are also various theories about the relationship between Mu continent and Japan. One is that the Japanese archipelago is a part of Mu continent that separated from it, and the Japanese are descendants of Mu people. This theory claims that the Japanese are white people, and that ancient Japan had a prosperous civilization. It also claims that the ancient tombs and shrines left on the Japanese archipelago are remnants of Mu civilization.

Another is that the Japanese archipelago is an independent entity separate from Mu continent, and the Japanese are a brave people who opposed Mu people. This theory claims that the Japanese are yellow people, and that ancient Japan had a simple culture that harmonized with nature. It also claims that the ancient tombs and shrines left on the Japanese archipelago are unique Japanese culture.

The Emergence of Mu Continent

About 12,000 years ago, when Mu continent is said to have sunk into the sea, was the end of the last ice age. At this time, the ice on the earth melted and the sea level rose, and many lands were submerged. However, the opposite also happens, where the sea level drops and the land emerges. This is a phenomenon called crustal movement or uplift, and some of the huge plateaus on the seabed of the Pacific Ocean emerged from the water surface and became islands by this phenomenon.

For example, the Hawaiian Islands are part of a huge plateau formed by volcanic activity, and their tops are islands. Also, New Zealand and New Caledonia are also part of a huge plateau, and are thought to have emerged by uplift. These islands may be remnants of Mu continent.

However, these islands are not the same as Mu continent. Mu continent was said to be a single continuous continent, but these islands are scattered. Also, Mu continent was said to have sunk overnight, but these islands emerged over a long period of time. Furthermore, Mu continent was said to have had a high civilization, but no such ruins or culture have been found on these islands.


Mu continent is a legendary continent that is said to have existed in the Pacific Ocean, but there are various theories about its existence and characteristics. Those who claim Mu continent cite ancient documents and ruins as evidence, but many of them lack credibility and are academically denied. Also, seabed exploration revealed that there are huge plateaus on the seabed of the Pacific Ocean, but they are not the same as Mu continent, but were formed by different geological phenomena.

Mu continent is an attractive topic with romance and mystery, but it is now considered to be a legendary existence. However, there are still many people who are interested in Mu continent, and there is a possibility that new discoveries or interpretations will be made. Mu continent is a mysterious world that stimulates dreams and imagination.

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