What if I told you that the vegetables you eat every day are not what they seem? That they are actually grown from the devil’s seeds, which are hybrid F1 seeds that cannot produce offspring and are controlled by a secret society that has a sinister plan for the world. Sounds like a conspiracy theory, right? Well, not according to some people who believe that this is the truth behind the food we eat. In this article, I will examine the claims and evidence of this theory, and try to separate fact from fiction.
What are hybrid F1 seeds and why are they called the devil’s seeds?
Hybrid F1 seeds are the result of cross-pollinating two different varieties of the same plant to create a new variety that has desirable traits, such as higher yield, disease resistance, or better taste. F1 stands for “first filial generation”, meaning the first generation of offspring. Hybrid F1 seeds are widely used in modern agriculture, as they can improve the quality and quantity of crops.
However, some people call them the devil’s seeds, because they have a major drawback: they cannot produce viable seeds for the next generation. This means that farmers have to buy new seeds every year, instead of saving and replanting their own seeds. This makes them dependent on the seed companies that produce and sell hybrid F1 seeds, and vulnerable to price fluctuations, seed shortages, and biopiracy.
Some people also claim that hybrid F1 seeds are unnatural, unhealthy, and harmful to the environment. They argue that hybrid F1 seeds are genetically modified, and that they can cause allergies, diseases, and infertility in humans and animals. They also claim that hybrid F1 seeds reduce biodiversity, and that they can contaminate and destroy the native and heirloom varieties of crops.
Who are the Rockefeller group and Monsanto, and how are they involved in the devil’s seeds?
According to the theory, the main culprits behind the devil’s seeds are the Rockefeller group and Monsanto, two powerful and influential entities that have a monopoly over the global seed market.
The Rockefeller group is a term used to refer to the Rockefeller family and their various foundations, organizations, and businesses. The Rockefeller group is one of the richest and most influential families in the world, and they have a long history of involvement in politics, banking, oil, media, education, health, and agriculture.
The Rockefeller group is accused of being behind the Green Revolution, which was a series of initiatives that introduced hybrid F1 seeds, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and irrigation systems to developing countries in the 20th century. The Green Revolution was supposed to increase food production and reduce hunger and poverty, but it also had negative consequences, such as environmental degradation, social inequality, and loss of traditional farming practices.
The Rockefeller group is also accused of being behind the Gene Revolution, which is a term used to describe the introduction of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) to agriculture in the 21st century. GMOs are organisms whose genetic material has been altered using biotechnology, such as inserting genes from other species. GMOs are supposed to improve crop traits, such as herbicide tolerance, insect resistance, or drought tolerance, but they also raise concerns about safety, ethics, and sovereignty.
Monsanto is a multinational corporation that was founded in 1901 as a chemical company, and later became a leading producer of GMOs and agrochemicals. Monsanto is notorious for its controversial products, such as Agent Orange, PCBs, DDT, Roundup, and Bt cotton. Monsanto is also known for its aggressive business practices, such as patenting seeds, suing farmers, lobbying governments, and influencing research.
Monsanto is accused of being the main supplier of hybrid F1 seeds and GMOs to the world, and of having a close relationship with the Rockefeller group. Some people claim that Monsanto has bought out most of the Japanese seed companies, and that it is spreading the devil’s seeds all over the world. They also claim that Monsanto is part of a larger network of corporations and organizations that are controlled by the Illuminati, a secret society that has a hidden agenda for the world.
Who is Bill Gates, and what is his role in the devil’s seeds?
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By Subiet |
Bill Gates is one of the richest and most influential people in the world, and he is the co-founder of Microsoft, a technology company that dominates the software industry. Bill Gates is also the co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, a philanthropic organization that funds various projects in health, education, and agriculture.
Bill Gates is accused of being one of the main supporters of the devil’s seeds, and of having a sinister motive behind his philanthropy. Some people claim that Bill Gates is actually William Henry Gates III, and that he is a descendant of Adam Weishaupt, the founder of the Illuminati. They also claim that Bill Gates is actually a code name for a group of five people who are the leaders of the Illuminati, and that they are manipulating the world with their secret agenda.
One of the most controversial projects that Bill Gates is involved in is the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, a secure backup facility for the world’s crop diversity on the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen in the remote Arctic Svalbard archipelago. The Seed Vault provides long-term storage of duplicates of seeds conserved in genebanks around the world, and it is supposed to safeguard the genetic resources of humanity in case of a global catastrophe.
However, some people suspect that the Seed Vault is actually a part of the devil’s seeds scheme, and that Bill Gates has a hidden plan for the future. They claim that Bill Gates has funded the Seed Vault, and that he has stored the original seeds of all the crops on Earth, while spreading the hybrid F1 seeds and GMOs to the rest of the world. They also claim that Bill Gates plans to sell the original seeds at a high price in the future, or to use them as a bargaining chip to control the world.
What is the truth behind the devil’s seeds, and what can we do about it?
The theory of the devil’s seeds is a complex and elaborate conspiracy theory that involves many claims and allegations that are not supported by credible evidence or scientific facts. The theory is based on a mixture of misinformation, misunderstanding, speculation, and fear, and it ignores the benefits and challenges of modern agriculture and biotechnology.
The truth behind the devil’s seeds is that hybrid F1 seeds and GMOs are not evil or dangerous, but rather tools that can be used for good or bad purposes, depending on how they are developed, regulated, and applied. Hybrid F1 seeds and GMOs have advantages and disadvantages, and they have potential risks and benefits, that need to be assessed and balanced on a case-by-case basis.
The truth behind the devil’s seeds is also that the Rockefeller group, Monsanto, and Bill Gates are not part of a secret society that is plotting to control the world, but rather influential actors that have interests and impacts on the global food system. The Rockefeller group, Monsanto, and Bill Gates have done some good and some bad things, and they have faced criticism and praise, depending on their actions and policies.
The truth behind the devil’s seeds is finally that the world is not under the control of the devil’s seeds, but rather under the influence of many factors and forces that shape the food system and the environment. The world is facing many challenges and opportunities, such as population growth, climate change, food security, biodiversity, and sustainability, that require collective action and cooperation.
The best thing we can do about the devil’s seeds is to be informed and aware of the facts and the myths, and to be critical and curious of the sources and the motives of the information we receive. The best thing we can do about the devil’s seeds is also to be engaged and active in the food system, and to support and demand transparency, accountability, and responsibility from the actors and the institutions that are involved in it. The best thing we can do about the devil’s seeds is finally to be respectful and tolerant of the diversity and the choices of the people and the cultures that are part of the food system, and to be mindful and grateful of the food we eat.
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