What is the truth behind the "sonic attacks" on US diplomats in Cuba and China? Conspiracy theory that a earthquake weapon called HAARP is involved



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What are sonic attacks?

Sonic attacks are attacks that use sound and pressure to damage the human body and mind. Sonic attacks can use high-frequency sounds such as ultrasound and microwaves, or low-frequency sounds such as infrasound and subsonic. The effects of sonic attacks vary depending on the loudness, frequency, duration, and directionality of the sound, but generally include: - Hearing loss or tinnitus - Headache or dizziness - Nausea or vomiting - Sleep disorder or anxiety - Memory loss or concentration decline - Neurological symptoms or brain damage Sonic attacks can affect not only the human sensory organs, but also the bioelectricity and membrane permeability of cells. Also, sonic attacks can occur in frequency bands that humans cannot hear.
an image of high-frequency and low-frequency sounds

Sonic attack incidents on US diplomats in Cuba and China

In 2017, 22 staff members working at the US embassy in Havana, Cuba, complained of hearing loss and neurological symptoms. This was considered to be caused by a sonic attack . The US government is investigating this incident and verifying the possibility of an attack by acoustic weapons. The victims testified that they were troubled by symptoms such as dizziness and tinnitus after hearing an unidentified noise. There is also a theory that this noise was the sound of crickets, but the definitive cause has not been identified. A similar incident occurred in May 2023 at the US consulate in Guangzhou, China, where staff members suddenly reported brain damage. This is also considered to be a possible attack by acoustic weapons. These incidents have affected the diplomatic relations between the US and Cuba and China. The US has temporarily evacuated embassy staff from Cuba and some staff from China. Also, there have been criticisms and denials from Cuba and China to the US .

Conspiracy theory that a earthquake weapon called HAARP is involved

Behind the sonic attack incidents, there is a conspiracy theory that a earthquake weapon developed by the US called "HAARP" is involved. HAARP stands for High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, and is a high-altitude atmospheric research facility in Alaska. HAARP aims to explore natural phenomena such as auroras and radio communications by irradiating high-frequency waves to activate the ionosphere. However, conspiracy theorists claim that HAARP is actually the ultimate weapon that can cause earthquakes and climate change. Conspiracy theorists believe that high-frequency waves generated by HAARP affect the earth's crust and induce earthquakes, or interfere with weather elements such as clouds and wind and manipulate the climate. They claim that large-scale natural disasters such as the Great East Japan Earthquake and the Christchurch Earthquake in New Zealand were artificially caused by HAARP. Conspiracy theorists also believe that HAARP is involved in sonic attack incidents. They argue that HAARP can also function as an acoustic weapon, and that the attacks on US diplomats in Cuba and China were orchestrated by the US itself. They have various reasons for why the US did such attacks, such as diplomatic pressure or negotiation means, or disguising victims as experimental subjects.


The sonic attack incidents on US diplomats in Cuba and China remain unresolved. The cause and purpose of sonic attacks are unknown, and there are criticisms and denials between the US and Cuba and China. On the other hand, there is also a conspiracy theory that a earthquake weapon developed by the US called "HAARP" is involved in sonic attack incidents. This conspiracy theory lacks scientific basis and evidence, and is based on speculation and conjecture. However, the true purpose and capability of HAARP are unclear, and its existence itself causes anxiety and doubt.

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