Unveiling the mysteries and urban legends of Mona Lisa!



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What is Mona Lisa?

 The Mona Lisa is an oil painting by Renaissance Italian painter Leonardo da Vinci. A portrait of a woman depicting only her upper body, it is one of the most famous works of art in the world. It is currently housed in France's Louvre Museum and is visited by millions of tourists each year.

This painting has attracted people's attention for a variety of reasons, including its mysterious and strange smile, mysterious history, and model. Many researchers and writers have investigated and analyzed Mona Lisa, and have come up with various hypotheses and speculations. There are also outrageous urban legends that are reminiscent of aliens and the Illuminati.

In this article, we will introduce various mysteries and urban legends surrounding the Mona Lisa.

Leonardo da Vinci_-_Mona Lisa

The mystery of Mona Lisa's smile

 Mona Lisa's biggest charm is her smile. It is said that the expression of this smile changes depending on the viewing angle and distance. It also has the strange effect of making you look like you're smiling, but also looking sad or anxious at the same time.

There is also a theory that this smile has a hidden message. For example, there is a theory that Leonardo da Vinci hid inside it. Leonardo da Vinci was left-handed and he used the mirror method when painting. In other words, he painted in a mirror. Therefore, when you look at a painting in a mirror, Leonardo da Vinci's face appears.

Leonardo da Vinci was also a musician. He sometimes incorporated musical elements into his paintings. An example of this is the Mona Lisa's smile. This theory allows us to read musical notes from Mona Lisa's lips. Musical notes must be read from right to left, which is thought to be because Leonardo da Vinci was left-handed. When you read the notes, the lyrics "L'Amour s'en va" (Love is gone) appear.

The mystery of the Mona Lisa model

 Who is the model for Mona Lisa? There is no clear answer to this question. However, the most popular theory is that it was Lisa Gherardini, the wife of Francesco del Giocondo, a wealthy silk merchant from Florence. This theory is based on 16th century Italian artist and biographer Giorgio Vasari's book Lives of the Greatest Painters, Sculptors, and Architects. Vasari wrote that Leonardo da Vinci was commissioned by Francesco del Giocondo to paint a portrait of his wife Mona Lisa.

However, there are doubts about this theory. First of all, Vasari's book was published 31 years after Leonardo da Vinci's death, and it is said that there are many parts that are exaggerated or misunderstood. Also, if Lisa was a model, why didn't she wear a wedding ring? It was common in Italy at the time to wear a wedding ring. Moreover, if Lisa is a model, why didn't she receive a portrait? Leonardo da Vinci kept this painting for himself after completing it and bequeathed it to his disciple after his death.

Therefore, there are also various other candidates for the model. For example, there is a hypothesis that Leonardo da Vinci drew himself or a specific person in Mona Lisa. There is also a theory that the model was another woman or man than Lisa. However , there is no solid evidence for these theories either.

 The relationship between Mona Lisa and Illuminati

 Illuminati is a secret society that existed in the 18th century. However, it is now urbanized as a super-powerful organization that controls the world from behind. Illuminati is said to be involved in various incidents and conspiracies, including Mona Lisa.

People who claim the relationship between Illuminati and Mona Lisa cite the following points as evidence.

  • The name of Mona Lisa contains “A”, which is a symbol of Illuminati.

  • The eyes of Mona Lisa have hidden letters “LV”, which means both Leonardo da Vinci's initials and “Luminari Vincunt” (the enlightened ones win), which is Illuminati's motto.

  • The background of Mona Lisa has hidden symbols of Illuminati such as pyramid and eye, which represents God's eye or omniscience.

  • The painting of Mona Lisa became famous worldwide by the power of Illuminati. In fact, the theft of the painting in 1911 was orchestrated by Illuminati, and they used the media attention to increase the value of the painting.

These theories are also lacking in scientific evidence and proof, and they are nothing but paranoid delusions. However, there are also many people who believe that Illuminati really exists and manipulates the world from behind.

illuminati symbol

 The relationship between Mona Lisa and astrology

 There is also a theory that Mona Lisa contains esoteric elements such as astrology and numerology. For example, the following points are mentioned.

  • The face of Mona Lisa can be divided into parts that correspond to each constellation of the zodiac. The forehead is Aries, the eyebrows are Taurus, the eyes are Gemini, the nose is Cancer, the mouth is Leo, the chin is Virgo, the The neck is Libra, the shoulders are Scorpio, the chest is Sagittarius, the abdomen is Capricorn, the waist is Aquarius, and the legs are Pisces.

  • The landscape depicted in the background of Mona Lisa was chosen by Leonardo da Vinci based on astrology and astronomy, and it reflects the position of celestial bodies at the time of painting. For example, the bridge seen on the left is called Aquarius Bridge, which represents Aquarius.

  • To decipher the hidden messages in Mona Lisa's painting, you need knowledge of numerology and geometry. Leonardo da Vinci was proficient in numerology and geometry, and he embedded codes and symbols in his paintings. For example, the size and ratio of the painting are related to Fibonacci sequence and golden ratio.

These theories also lack scientific evidence and evidence, and it is doubtful whether Leonardo da Vinci truly believed in astrology or numerology. However, it is certain that Leonardo da Vinci was a man of great talent and depth, and his intelligence and artistry are reflected in the Mona Lisa.

Mona Lisa face and constellations


 The Mona Lisa is an oil painting by Leonardo da Vinci and is one of the most famous works of art in the world. There are various mysteries and urban legends surrounding this painting. Mona Lisa's smile and model, hidden messages, Illuminati and astrology are some of the hypotheses and speculations that have been made. However, these theories lack scientific basis and evidence, and the truth is still unknown. The Mona Lisa continues to stimulate people's imagination with its mystery and charm.

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