The urban legend of “Kisaragi Station”, a non-existent station


Japanese Place Strange Trivia

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  There is an urban legend about “Kisaragi Station”, a station that does not exist. The story centers on a woman named “Hasumi” who got lost on a train in 2004 and asked for help on a forum of Japan’s then 2channel. The forum participants could not help her, and the train seemed to keep going without stopping at the next station. She was taken to a non-existent place by a mysterious old man. Later, seven years later, she reappeared on the forum and claimed that she had returned from a different reality.


What is Kisaragi Station?

 Kisaragi Station is an imaginary railway station that is talked about as an urban legend on the Internet community in Japan. It first appeared in 2004, in a live-action style horror story posted on the occult board of 2channel by a person who claimed to be a woman named “Hasumi”. The story was about how she boarded a train of Enshu Railway, a private railway in Shizuoka Prefecture, and arrived at a strange unmanned station called “Kisaragi Station” after the train ran for more than 20 minutes without stopping. The story was followed by real-time responses from Hasumi and other participants on the thread.

How did the urban legend spread?

 The strange story of Kisaragi Station attracted attention on the Internet, and similar stories followed. Some examples are “Tsukinomiya Station” on the Tokaido Main Line in Aichi Prefecture, and “Yami Station” and “Katasu Station” adjacent to Kisaragi Station. In 2011, a person claiming to be the original poster “Hasumi” posted an unclear survival report on the comment section of a summary site about urban legends. Since then, posts about Kisaragi Station have also appeared on Twitter and YouTube, and it has become an Internet meme.

How did the urban legend become popular?

 The urban legend of Kisaragi Station became widely known to the general public as it was featured in fiction works and media. In 2020, a movie titled “Kisaragi Station” starring Yuri Tsunematsu was released, and it was a smash hit in Hamamatsu City, where the story took place. Enshu Railway also ran a PR train for “Urasekai Picnic”, a manga and anime series that included episodes of Kisaragi Station. In addition, a variety show called “What is this in the world? Mystery” introduced the story with reenactment footage, and it became a trend on Twitter.

What is the truth behind Kisaragi Station?

The truth behind Kisaragi Station is still unknown. There are various speculations about its existence, such as being in another world or dimension. Some people have tried to find it by using Google Maps or visiting Enshu Railway stations, but no one has succeeded so far. It may be just a hoax or a prank, but it may also be a hidden mystery that only the sea knows.

Kisaragi Station (Image)

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