The legend of children who remember their past lives in a remote village in China



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 There is a legend that in a remote village in China, children are born with memories of their previous lives.

Legend has it that children were born in this village with memories of their previous lives, and that they were judged after death.

In traditional village ceremonies, old women distribute soup to help people forget their past lives.

There are similar urban legends in Japan, including a changing room where people steal the clothes of the dead and it is said that their fate in the afterlife will change depending on the weight of the clothes.

These stories, which circulate as urban legends, contain unique interpretations of reincarnation and the afterlife.

What on earth are these children with memories of their past lives?

Children who remember past lives are children who claim to have memories of being a different person in a past life. They often talk about how they died, who they were with, what they did in their previous lives, etc. Some people have only a few memories, while others have many memories.

These children often exhibit behaviors consistent with their past life, such as feeling close to family members in their past life, feeling uncomfortable with their current life, and wishing to be taken to their biological parents. . Some of them can identify people they've never met before or repair machines without being taught. Some of them have birthmarks and birth defects that correspond to scars and marks from previous lives.

Ian Stevenson, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Virginia, conducted a scientific study of these children, collecting more than 2,000 cases from around the world, primarily in Southeast Asia. He published his book ``His 20 Cases Suggesting Reincarnation'' in 1966 and 1974, which caused a worldwide sensation.

ian stevenson

How do children who remember their past lives forget their past lives?

 Children who remember their past lives usually begin to talk about them spontaneously between the ages of 2 and 5, when they can talk. However, most children stop talking about it between the ages of 5 and 8 and forget about it as they grow older.

What is the meaning of remembering past lives?

There are various interpretations as to why some children remember past lives. Some people believe this is evidence of reincarnation. This is the belief that the soul or consciousness survives death and is reincarnated in another body. Some people think it is a way to resolve karma. Karma is the concept that actions have consequences that affect your future life. Some people see this as a message or lesson from a previous life that needs to be learned and fulfilled in this life.

However, there are also skeptical explanations for these phenomena. Some argue that these are false memories influenced by fantasy, suggestion, and cultural expectations. Some have suggested that these are cases of cryptomnesia, a phenomenon in which forgotten memories come back as if they were new. Some argue that these are examples of genetic memory. This is the theory that memory is inherited through genes.


There is a legend that in a remote village in China, children are born with memories of their previous lives. These children claim to have memories of being different people in a past life and often display behaviors consistent with their past life. Usually people forget their past lives as they grow up, but some cultures have rituals and rituals to help them forget quickly. There are many interpretations as to why some children remember past lives, ranging from spiritual to scientific.


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