The Existence of Nibiru and Its Shocking Impact on Earth



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What is Nibiru?

 Nibiru is a giant planet that is said to collide with or graze Earth and bring about destruction. This conspiracy theory about the existence and potential impact of Nibiru on Earth has spread through the internet and books. There are various theories about Nibiru, but according to some sources, Nibiru is a free-floating planet that is 12.7 times the size of Jupiter and moves without being affected by the gravity of other planets. This conspiracy theory includes elements such as ancient civilizations, advanced astronomical observation techniques, and extraterrestrial beings.


The origin of the Nibiru conspiracy theory

 The origin of the Nibiru conspiracy theory is a statement made by a woman named Nancy Lieder on her website in 1995. Lieder claimed that she had the ability to communicate with aliens from the Zeta Reticuli star system and received messages through a device implanted in her brain. She said that she was chosen to warn humanity that a planet called Nibiru would pass through the solar system in May 2003 and cause a physical pole shift on Earth that would wipe out most of humanity. However, that date was later postponed. This prediction then spread beyond Lieder’s website and was accepted by many internet doomsday groups. In the late 2000s, it became closely associated with the 2012 phenomenon.

The basis of the Nibiru conspiracy theory

 The basis of the Nibiru conspiracy theory is mainly based on the Bible and the records and traditions of ancient civilizations. In the Bible, in the Book of Revelation, it is prophesied that the sun, moon, and stars will align in a special way as a precursor to the disaster that will befall Earth. Nibiru conspiracy theorists claim that this alignment will occur on April 23, 2018, and that it is a sign of Nibiru’s arrival. In ancient civilizations, especially in Sumerian and Babylonian civilizations, a planet named Nibiru is mentioned. In these civilizations, Nibiru was considered to be the heavenly realm where the gods lived, and it passed through the solar system every 360,000 years. Nibiru conspiracy theorists speculate that these civilizations had advanced astronomical observation techniques or received information from extraterrestrial beings, and use them as evidence for Nibiru’s existence.

The rebuttal of the Nibiru conspiracy theory

 The Nibiru conspiracy theory has no scientific or historical basis. First of all, the planet Nibiru has never been discovered by astronomers or probes. If Nibiru existed and was approaching Earth, it would have been observed at least 10 years ago. Also, if Nibiru became visible to the naked eye, it would have a huge impact on Earth’s gravity and climate. However, in reality, no such phenomena have occurred. Secondly, the Bible and the records and traditions of ancient civilizations are interpreted arbitrarily by Nibiru conspiracy theorists. In the Bible, the prophecy in Revelation is symbolic and does not refer to a specific date or planet. In ancient civilizations, the name of the planet Nibiru was used with different meanings and spellings, and was not consistent. Also, there is no solid evidence for the claims of advanced astronomical observation techniques or contact with extraterrestrial beings.

 This article introduced the conspiracy theory about the existence of Nibiru and its shocking impact on Earth. This conspiracy theory has no scientific or historical basis.

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