The possibility and risk of immortality - the eternal life by the fusion of human and machine



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 People have dreamed of immortality since ancient times. But is it really possible to achieve? And if it is, is it a happy thing for people? In this article, we will talk about the concept of immortality and the possibility of living forever by fusing human and machine.

the fusion of human and machine

What is immortality?

 Immortality is the state of being young and not dying forever. Unlike invincibility, it is possible to die from injuries or diseases, but not from aging or senescence. It is also synonymous with "longevity".

Immortality appears in myths and legends around the world. For example, in the Mesopotamian “Epic of Gilgamesh”, the story of the protagonist Gilgamesh, who mourns the death of his friend Enkidu and fears his own death, seeking immortality, is told. In China, it is famous that Emperor Qin Shi Huang searched for the elixir of immortality. In Japan, too, in “The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter”, it is depicted that Kaguya-hime, who came from the moon, had a secret medicine of immortality.

However, in these stories, they could not obtain immortality. Also, wise men from all over the world have pointed out the foolishness and danger of seeking immortality. Then, how far can modern science and technology bring us closer to immortality?

The eternal life by the fusion of human and machine

 People have used various technologies to improve their bodies and abilities. For example, glasses and hearing aids are devices that assist vision and hearing, and prosthetic arms and legs are devices that replace lost limbs. These are examples of human and machine integration.

However, in recent years, more advanced attempts have been made to fuse human and machine. That is brain-machine interface (BMI). BMI is a technology that directly connects human brain and external machine. For example, you can control computers or robots by reading brain waves or neural signals, or send information from computers or robots to the brain.

Some examples of BMI applications are:

  • People who have limited movement of their limbs due to stroke or spinal cord injury can move prosthetic arms or legs with their thoughts alone.
  • Visually impaired people can restore their vision by sending images captured by cameras or lasers directly to their brains.
  • People with language disorders can convert their speech intentions into sound or text by reading their brain waves.
  • In entertainment such as games or movies, you can manipulate sensations or emotions by directly stimulating the brain. These technologies have the potential to go beyond the limits of human body and ability. But that alone is not enough to achieve immortality. How can we become immortal?

One answer is to fuse human consciousness with technology. Consciousness is the state of having perception and sensation, thought and emotion, etc. about oneself and one’s surroundings. Consciousness is thought to arise from brain activity, but its mechanism is not yet elucidated.

However, if consciousness depends on brain activity, it may be possible to preserve consciousness by transferring that activity to a machine. That is, scanning human brain and copying its structure and function to a computer, and transferring consciousness there. In this way, if human consciousness is transferred to a machine, that machine will not die from aging or disease. Also, you can move to another machine or robot as needed. This can be called immortality.

Such an idea is depicted in SF movies such as “The Matrix” series. In this movie, people are connected to a simulated reality (Matrix) by electrical signals, and they do not realize that their bodies do not actually exist. Also, people who escape from the Matrix can send their consciousness to virtual space or take over robots.

The attraction and impact of immortality

 Becoming immortal has many attractions and benefits for people. For example,

  • You can live without fearing death.
  • You are freed from temporal constraints.
  • You can accumulate knowledge and experience infinitely.
  • You can compensate for physical disabilities or defects.
  • You can change your appearance or gender as you like.
  • You can freely travel between reality and virtuality. These will greatly expand human potential and freedom.

However, on the other hand, immortality also entails many risks and problems. For example,

  • The population increases too much and puts a burden on resources and environment.
  • Human identity and ethics are lost.
  • Human emotions and values become dull.
  • Human society and culture stagnate.
  • Inequality or conflict arises between human and machine.

These will threaten human happiness and safety.


 Immortality may make it possible for people to live forever, but it is not necessarily a happy thing. Immortality has not only attractions but also impacts that need to be considered. The fusion of human and machine will question human essence and purpose of existence. Do you want to be immortal? Or do you choose to die naturally? The answer to this question is up to you.

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